This happened to be on the Independent Living of the North Shore's web page and just thought it should be shared with everyone on here. It was said from the start that an Independent Living Center should be run BY and FOR people with disabilities. It's a remorseful day when someone is promoted to interim assistant director who does not have the qualifications for the position and does not have the disability community in their best interest.

On June 26,2009 more than 200 activists jammed into and around Nurses Hall in the Massachusetts State House to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Supreme Court's Olmstead decision. It was great to see most of the IL's Executive Directors in attendance.

A choice few from the New NILP office showed up for a quick appearance, but could not take the time to join in with other activists to deliver the position platform and to thank Governor Deval Patrick, House Speaker Robert DeLeo, and Senate President Therese Murray, but referred to those who chose to stay and participate as DERELICTS.

According to the statement on the blog at the Independent Living Center of the North Shore and Cape Ann it was posted that the interim assistant director stated that Charles Carr (MRC Commissioner), Bill Henning (Executive Director of the Boston Center for Independent Living), Mary Margaret Moore (Executive Director of ILCNS),Jean Mcguire (Assistant Secretary of Disability Policy) and Secretary Bigby (Executive Office of Health and Human Services) "all blew hot air, and it was a hugh waste of time".

Short Update's

This was taken for the Rumbo News paper dated August 1, 2009. "The salaries in the Human Service field are not especially high. Estimates from national data a few years ago suggested that earnings for beginning workers ranged from the low $20,000s to the low $30,000 range per year. So, individuals who pursue this field need to know that they are not going to get rich". Makes me wonder if NECCO ever looked into the salaries at NILP, and maybe the B.O.D should have done some research such as this before their decision over a year ago.

Some interesting news was posted on the blog site at the Independent Living Center of the North Shore and Cape Ann Center related to NILP's interim assistant directors take on a rally held at the State House. Sorry to say it has since been removed from that blog site, but stay tuned I have a feeling it will be showing up again.

As you all know some long time advocates and dedicated people for the Independent Living Movement have been terminated or had resigned for that agency. Keep up your good work and don't let the movement take any more steps backwards, enough damage has been done.

Thanks to all that have visited this site, and left comments or questions, further updates will follow in the near future.